
Showing posts from January, 2024
Difference between DC power and AC power There are two types of electricity: direct current and alternating current. There are two methods of electric current. These are direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Direct current is a method in which electricity always flows in a certain direction, as compared to the flow of a river. It refers to the flow of electricity obtained from batteries, batteries, solar cells, etc. On the other hand, alternating current (AC) is a method in which the positive and negative sides are constantly switched periodically and the direction of the flow of electricity changes accordingly. This is the flow of electricity obtained from a generator or outlet. The electricity produced at power plants and sent to homes is also transmitted as alternating current. The diagram below shows the flow of DC and AC electricity. The direction of the current of the voltage is always constant. The direction of the current is always switched periodically, and the vo
(AC) Current star/dalta Comparison between Star and Delta Connections We mostly use the terms star and delta in electrical systems while discussing three phase AC circuits and electric motors. Below is a given table which compares both Star and delta connections which shows the exact difference between Star (Y) and Delta (Δ) Connections. Star Connection: Star connection “Y” is obtained by joining together similar ends of coils either “starting” or finishing. The other ends are joined to the line wires. The common point is called the Neutral or Star Point. This three-phase, 4-wires system is used in power distribution, transformers and small scale domestic and residential applications. Delta Connection Delta or Mesh Connection “Δ” is obtained by connecting the starting end of the first coil to the finishing end of the second coil and so on (for all three coils) which forms like a closed loop or mesh circuit. This three-phase, 3-wires system is used in power transmission, transform